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Thu Sep 22 2022 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Meet and Greet for Bruce Ehlers in Olivenhain, Cole Ranch Rd

Come hear Bruce present his vision, goals and priorities for Encinitas. He will have about 15 minutes of prepared remarks to ...

  1. Provide my background and qualifications
  2. Explain my vision, goals and priorities
  3. Provide my personal background so you better know who I am.

We will follow this with about 45 minutes for Q&A.  Afterwards I will stay and we can mingle and hold smaller discussion.

Off of Cole Ranch Rd near 5th St
Olivenhain, CA 92024
760-944-9482 for RSVP and location

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Paid for by Friends of Bruce Ehlers for Encinitas Mayor 2024, FPPC#1469302
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